Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Last nite, felt my eyes itchy.. this mrng, the eyes were red.. SO I thot it might just becos of rubbing too hard.. but it didn't get well.. Seen e doctor and confirm is sore eyes.. Oh My.. I was given 2days MC and has to go back on Friday for review.. Should it not recover, I need another MC..Just now, I felt my right eyes a little watery too ler.. and I can see some red lines in e white area.. sigh.. guess my right eye couldn't be spare too..
I now also worry if I can make it on Sat for my colic's hse warming.. so sad.. and also worry if my hubby will get it too.. Oh so many worries.. aww~~ sianz..
Last wk just MC, today & tmr MC again.. don noe if my boss will start to........... sigh...

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Rainy Day
Today is a wet day and I was on MC resting at home. DOn't know if my illness is flaring, or I am too tired or my mense is coming.. the whole body just aching so much.
I msg my boss to tell her that I am having body aches but she say this is not a valid reason to tell our big boss and insist on a diagnosis. So after seeing doc, i call her in the office to tell her is URTI.. Anyone knows what's this?? Is.. UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION.. to simplified, it means FLU!!... zzz
Then my colleague called me at 12.30pm and ask if I call my office secretary cos this is her first time seeing my boss whispering on the phone for half hour .. so she guess my boss might be talking to the secretary about me?? Anyhow, she explained that is her guessing, there is no proof at all.. Whereas I was quite piss off.. If they reallly wanna talk about me, I've got nothing to say, cos my pain is genuine not feign.. At this point of recession, who is not afraid of being retrench ... people like me with no immune and always take mc will be the first being kick..
But I really angry with my boss sometimes, she don't trust me at all.. When I told her I am loaded with work she say she can't see my load and therefore passed work to me reason being I am a fast worker and she thot I m really nothing to do. I have to voice out to her which she say I can voice out anytime. HOw to??? If I were to do that everytime, how would she think of me? My performance would be badly hitted.. My boss thot that my "Runoff" cases (ex-client not renewed with us but still handling their portfolio) is very free.. Nothing to do.. Infact, more than any current cases, reason being, they notify us late claims/requested doc not in order.. emailing is the killing part, flood my whole in box..
I jolly well know that my boss email is also alot, therefore, I don't forward her every single email cos requesting doc is not impt and only copy her in when is impt or urgent cases.. there she take my email as a guide that I have not much to do... zzz