Saturday, November 7, 2009
boring day
Wow.. long time since I last blog..I was really busy the last few months.. The auditors came & we have like to run thru all the files to make sure all are in order.. every pc of email is in it, attachments, correspondences.. etc.. Siong..
Finally In Sept, the auditors came, inspect and went back to UK.. Thought we could just have a break.. Who knows, REnewal period is here.. print & running of stats, etc.. but not as siong as Flora's dept.. can have a camp fire nite every day.. hee :P
Me just took an Comm GI exam and have passed.. Yes!! I am left with one more paper PGI, then I will qualify to have this title, Cert in CGI.. in my name card (too bad, I don't have a namecard).. Anyway that is not important.. The most important thing is to gain at least a certified certificate after all these long years in this industry.. Yup..
Last nite 06.11.09 was our Co D&D.. Theme was "The Masquerade Nite".. The Emcees were Hossan Leong & Kumar.. They were hilarious.. As usual, HOssan is petite & funny while, Kumar is super "dirty" & funny.. his jokes really make you laugh thru out...
Well, I am not bad, I manage to won a S$400 Jet star Air ticket.. (this yr prize all air ticket) .. These tickets were unused due to unforseen circumstances in the earlier part of 2009 and therefore it became our lucky prizes..
Not too bad, I still won.. Well, will my luck continue?? I am considered quite lucky as my car plate came out reverse and I strike 1st prize... could have touch more.. but.. well, Lucky isn't me?? plus my S$400 Air ticket?? hee.. Hope my luck will continue all e way...
I've read next year fortune.. I am super "low" for next year.. therefore have to keep very low profile interms of health, money, career & relationship... -.-"
For those that are working hard or study hard.. Jiayou.. 2009 is ending.. welcome the brand new year of 2010... Good Luck, Good Health & Good Wealth.. HUAT AH!!!