Thursday, April 9, 2009
This morning 8.15am, my co doc called me to tell me my blood test results. She say my blood test platelets count are normal however my white cells count are relatively low so I am under bacteria infection. However, she is not giving me any antibiotic since my fever subsided after her powerful jab. It drop from 38.4 to 35.8..But I will still need to monitor closely for the weekend as I still have body ache now. Should my fever recurr, I will have to bring her letter and admit to A&E immediately.
Thank God, I am in a recovering stage and also glad that it was not happening next wk whereby I will in Bangkok with my co.. if not I don know what will happen to me? sleeping in the hotel? Oh My, I have to be very careful with my food nowadays.. Old liao.. resistance low.. hmmm..
Anyhow, pray hard I rest well and recover by weekend and Monday start my day again.. YES!!!
Last but not least, Thanks to those who care for me.. cheerios.. :D