Saturday, November 29, 2008
I felt nausea & bloated stomach after 10pm last nite.. I guess mainly is due to hunger & thirst. I was really hungry & thirsty but there isn't any food until 8.45pm when e KFC man comes.. I was glad that I did not drink e red wine.. If not, I think it'll be worst.. My hands & feet were cold last nite and when I wake up at 3am, I still having the same feeling.. I don think I can go without food/drink, my stomach just stir so much.. Now in pain -.-""Even up till now, I am still feeling very uncomfortable.. drove to see our co doc.. but closed.. Now, I come home take zimor, charcoal, pulin.. these are med for gastric, stomach wind & nausea.. Aww~~ so "xing ku".. OMG.. Hope I'll feel better tonite or else... -.-"