Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Yesterday was a big commotion over the finance and the claims dept..This old lady from Finance forever very "yaya".. when mistakes arises, she is the first one to push.. and the prob is, her duties becomes our duties.. and she can claim why we didn't use our inititative.. C'mon lah.. use her bloody brain lah.. Remittance belongs to Finance lor, checking which currency also finance lor.. Why shd we claims be the one asking on behalf of them and some more make a big hoo ha at the managment meeting.. Our boss -.-" admit we are wrong.. Faint leh.. This is also e 1st x we encounter such case and that lao char bo grumbling and grumbling.. really don't know what they want? Stupid old witch.. She really make my mood sucks for the last 2days.. But I still got xiaohao to hear me pouring my woes.. Thanks .. Seven..
Today when I woke up from my bed, I felt like as if I am dead.. Dead tired, no strength.. my voice becomes hoarse, cough, irritated throat.. Aww~~ I must hang on till Fri, then I can rest on weekends..
This weekend, will go do rebonding for my hair.. Oh my, is like a mad woman especially when the wind blows.. In e advertisement/MTV, wind blowing a lady's hair look so attractive and feminine, while mine .. haha.. look like xiao char bo..
zzz -.-"
Hee.. pray for my virus to go away and stay healthy... YES!!