Monday, March 23, 2009
Last Fri on MC.. not becos I am sick with sorethroat or flu but was becos i hurt my upper waist.. haha.. can't even turn to my right or stretch out my right hand. Anyhow, went to see e co doc and tui.. Recover ler..Yesterday, as usual go to my mother in law house.. Was really piss off with her comments. Can't she just simply spare a thought for me than to keep her conservative concept of having "chuan zong jie dai"..
As I was telling my sis in law that I went for my pedicure becos of my ingrown nails (which I have to go every once in a mth or two)..
My MIL starts her grumbling.. "Y u so stupid, go pedicure?" Face and body pretty can already, y wanna spend this kind of money.. "Y u so stupid? no one will see yr feet, y go and do such thing" "Y u so stupid, do you know that this amount of money can buy one can of milk powder?"
"Human is born to suffer, when we come to this earth, we are born to suffer, just do your part to do what you need to do and complete your task will do.. Y u so stupid, spend this kind of money, I live till this age, I never bother about my feet, this is not important, the important thing is to do what you have to complete"
All the above is what she is hinting to me why I did not give birth to a baby.. She always take me as other pple example. Cos got 1 lady don know who lah same illness as mine and gave birth 2 or 3 babies and she expect me to be the same.
Giving birth is easy, taking care and expenses is not lor.. Moreover, even my doc can't give me an exact answer whether I am FIT to be pregnant as there is one medication which will affect the foetus and that medicine is to control the leakage of protein from my kidney which is todate still leaking high lor.. and that is why you people see me so bloated still.
Why can't she have the hell of sympathise with me, she has never ask me how am I but rather only when am i giving birth? Ask me go adopt babies.. Y? If I want, I would wanna give birth myself, and if I can't, then forget about the whole thing..
Even my hubby also know and agreed with me and told my MIL many times. I really felt so "wei qu".. WTF, why don she care more about my illness, and what happen if my illness relapse, I may have to go thur abortion and it might endanger both me & my baby.. Must I pass thru the "HELL DOOR" only then she realise the danger? I really very piss off. For my character, I normally will confront her, but becos my hubby say don't agitate my MIL to let her worry, I always "swallow" back my anger and when I tel him off at home yesterday, he give me face to see..
I felt so unfair.. y should i suffer alone to carry this ... SHIT.. T_T