Sunday, November 29, 2009
Last Thur I went for my usual follow up at TTSH. Guess what.. My results were bad.. My liver was affected. Doctor was worried.. Already I have non alcoholic fatty liver disease which range around 70-80? but now it shot up to 192 which is considered a dangerous range (only 1test). Reasons could be due to the hormone pills I took to ease my mense cramp which is the only cure for this. However, it seems that I am not suitable and it has affected my liver as well..So, I have to take another round of blood test to test all the Liver Function (6test).. -.-"
Well, I am quite worried too.. cos for the last 2mths, my weight drop which I was half happy & half worry. Happy becos I finally slim down, WOrry becos whenever I slim down must be due to something happening in my body and which is now true enough. Cos every meal I took, I felt nausea and I practically took gastric med every day for the last 2 mths. I really thought it was the pill's side effect cos it will cause bloatedness, nausea feeling. Never did I expect it to be my liver problem.. Sad isn't it?
Well, what I am worried most is that I am seeing my doc this Fri, will my result shows negative and will Doc increase my dosage again. Though he say from the look, it does not seems like a flare of my disease but only the liver which is affected might be due to the hormone pills. Anyhow I just hope everything is fine for me!