Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Rainy Day
Today is a rainy day, I met a good soul who offer her umbrella to me at e junction when she saw me in e rain.. and all e way to MRT station.. That opens up my day.. Really..Bought a new Samsung F480, touch screen.. Big screen/clear camera, really nice and sleek.. Its heavier than my U600 but I like this phone v.much .. after trade in I paid $128.. Everything is gd except messaging.. a little hassle, however, It won't take me long to get used everything.. hee.. look at my beautiful phone.. No nid envy leh.. wakakaka...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Last Sat went to TTSH for my usual check up.. This round, I am ok again.. no protein leak, blood test was good too but somehow, I still feel lethargic.. Maybe e doc up e dosage and therefore I am ok.. Anyhow, this time, I will strictly follow Doc's instruction and see if I am able to reduce dosage further..My ex colics all left 1 month ler.. Now left my boss and I and our new colic.. Well, this time I have better say than before.. make me feel like at least My boss do "see" me now.. Before, only "She" say, my boss listen, but now, we have room for discussion.. And my new colic is my ex co's ex colic.. haha.. surprised? hee.. anyhow, hope she is able to help me, if not....... sigh........... I will suffer more..
Just now on my way home, I heard this song on the radio.. "My Love will get you home".. though it repeats most of its lyrics, but the lyrics are really simple and touched.. so I downloaded this song together with "Vincent-Starry Night".. Really cool and nice and soothing.............. enjoy the song..!!!