Thursday, May 29, 2008
Happy Thur
Yo.. Sunny day now.. blog a bit after my lunch... My darling reaching home in 2hrs time.. YES!! Finally can see him tonite...This morning, I went for my U/Sound scan.. wah.. so painful when the asst press against me.. Breathe in and hold and there she is pressing me so hard.. she scan my liver/gall bladder/pancreas and something else can't remb.. is really painful when she scan me.. Wah.. and to hold the breath in pain.. "phew" lucky is over.. I asked her if there is anything, she say not that she can see.. Woo... God really bless me.. but she leave it to the professional to give me the end results which will be 3 days later where my co doc will call me up for follow up...
Hope that the lady is experienced enough to tell me the truth there is nothing in my organs... YES!!! so happy.... (>.<)
Thanks guys who tag my blog with encouragements.. appreciate that all were there for me when I am alone... THANKS & MUCKS!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Rainy Wed
Today is a rainy day. My darling call me to say that he will be back tomorrow afternoon.. I was like YES!.. Finally he is coming back. On the other hand, I am also weary that he will be asked to go China on Fri, but he say the chances of going next wk is higher.. SO>.. which means he be able to spend his wk end wif me.. Finally.. Without him around, seems to be so unstable.. haha.. though he is not a macho man but anyhow, is a man I can depend on. Hmm.. looking forward to his return.. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!Tomorrow, I be going for my ultra sound at 830am.. Somehow a little worry too.. hope everything is fine.. It isn't any of the gall bladder prob but just some cramps.. God Bless Me!!

Monday, May 26, 2008
I reach hm ard 7.15pm, after a bathe, I cook maggi mee to eat.. Really no mood & appetite.. Thru out the whole journey in the train, my tears were at my eyes, but each time I swallow back.. I felt so humiliated after morning's incident. why must i be compared to other people.. I have my pride too and moreover, not as if I commited a grave mistake or big crime which is not pardonable..I only told my boss there is this particular complicated case which I prefer not to take on, and there she is to rate me as not committed to my work.. Whatever work she has passed me, I already take on, what else she wants. She only listen to their mgr's advice whom is leaving on Wed, doesn't she has her own mind? And why must I be arrange to sit where, do what, I am 30yrs old not 3 yrs old nursery kid. I don have to be told what to do next and what not to do or everything being arrange nicely.
My hubby call at 8.15pm, I finally burst out in tears telling him and was very agitated and in e end, i end e call abruptly w/o saying gd bye still leaving myself crying like hell.. After that I msg to tell him, I m not in e mood to talk and shall not talk or msg again.. This mths' M1 bill would shoot up at least few hundred dollars at the rate he is calling me.. or even 1K i will not be surprised..
When is my DEAR coming home? sad.. very sad... T_T
I am very tired after a cry & all those unhappiness that kept in my heart the whole day reali make me very shack now.. yawn~~.. will sleep early hope i can go into deep sleep... T_T

sad monday
Today is the 11th day my ah lao still not home yet.. He is stuck in Indonesia now.. if he comes back now, he has to go china, so i rather he stay till Fri then at least i can see him on wk end.. till now he started this job, he have not been resting nt even wk end.. cos he already been paid to work.. so he can't rest and that is 12 hrs per day which 6am to 6pm, if can't solve, he still has to continue working.. poor thing.. Today, i come in to work, saw flora, so casually ask how is her trip as she was so enthu telling me, and i was listening, it took quite some time. When i get back to my seat, I was being reprimanded by my manager... " Do you know that you start work at 9.35am and I already settled many claims, you don take things for granted. Flora come in at 7.30 but she start work already and YOU, though come in before 9 but you start work late. You don take things for granted and you always go lunch before 12.30pm which is not good, what will others say about us?" I was like....... piss off.. and you know what? her last day is on wed, so y shd she tel me wat to do and even tel my boss how to arrange seats for me.. WTF.. c'mon lah.. who is she man.. my boss also.. she shd have a mind of her own and i always see her taking her suggestion then she proceed or speak up.. my mood is totally gone today.. Mon only.. well, i confirm taking leave this wk for half a day.. not in a mood to work at all..... sux..
Firstly, is jus a casual talk.. i only went out lunch 10mins before 12.30pm & most impt I don do it all the time is only once or twice a week and all the other colics always do that, and i always tell my boss before i proceed.. what wrong have i done.. She herself do that too.. she goes out at 12 or 12.15 comes back at 1.30 or 2pm. In e end, after her reprimand, my boss ask me go into the room to talk and ask me not to talk to FLora and say her boss would not like it.. and say e dept already bizi, and if i talk others would think we got nothin to do, and she will not be able to cover me... Ever since, i change my sitting area, i already seldom talk to her moreover when her colics all left, i lagi no talk to her.. i don noe wats the prob.. why everyone wanna pick on me.. YYYYYY????? I listen music in my mp3 10min before 9am oso ganna say, Y? wats the prob.. so sick.. Really WTH, those who read my blog tell me, what grave mistake did i make..?? i noe is not right to talk when is not work concern but u can't be keeping your mouth shut for 8hours and even my boss oso talk though not like us.. and tat mgr oso talk wat.. wats the prob.. PLS... you people tell me... write on my tag pls.

Monday, May 12, 2008
Mon Blues
haha, last Fri, took my CommGI.. well, i passed but overall failed.. because I did not fulfill their 70% passing mark.. sigh.. so sad. I thot i could pass becos when i look at the questions in the screen, i was glad as those are the chapters that I have covered the most.. However, I still fail.. so sad/disappointed/lao quee cos haha.. sponsored by the company.. reali no face to go back office.Meet Mike/wife/frost/flora for dinner at Millenia Walk.. cos it was Mike's bird day.. hahah.. well, he claim he is 30yrs old le, well, my bird day also coming, I be 31 then.. Time really flies... We ate at a Korean restaurant name "Bab Noodle". Food was not very fantastic.. I had bibimbab, but it was not hot at all, it didnt have the kind of "stone" bowl to make it hot.. so the taste.... FAIL!!.. anyhow.. below are the food we ate on Fri...
Mike's wife "salmon teriyaki"

Today is the 5th day where my ah lao is not around. He had went to Korea last Wed nite for overseas job.. He say it was damn cold, he had to wear 3 to 4 coverall to work while it is still very cold becos he is working on the vessel in the middle of the sea.. No doubts.. sure to be freezing.. haha.. anyhow, he be back to Spore tomorrow should reach home before 12am ba.. Hmmm.. kinda miss him when he is not around.. so boring at home..
Over the wkend, I did all the housework, including, cleaning windows/cupboards/toilets, changing of bedsheet, vacuum e floor, waiting for the air con man to use gas to blow out the dirt from the unit.. haha.. tell u, super tired...really so shack...
Then Sunday, mothers' day.. I fetch my ah ma to my house and got my mum/aunties to come up potluck.. each of them bought some food for ah ma to eat.. Actually she is not suppose to have such sumptous meal as she has kidney/diabetes/high BP.. anyhow, is an occassion, we make it an exception.. there were 1 white chicken/half roast chicken/1 curry fish head /vegetables/pizza/rice... wah..7 of us finish them all.. they all left at 3plus pm.. after fetching my ah ma home, i return to watch my DVD but was really too tired that I went to take a nap for just half hour enough to make me insomnia at nite.. haha.. so when I go to work today, I am like half zombie.. Right now typing, me felt like sleeping too..
Anyhow, the pain on my right side seems frequent today.. really sharp pain.. don noe if I sit down "chek tio" or wat.. just feel pain.. esp when I was in train, the pain was really unbearable when I breathe.. sigh.. I really hope that my gall bladder is alright and not what the doctor had suspect.. God Bless Me!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Busy Thur
Today is a bizi day... Really start from 9 to 6pm.. no..6.30pm.. faint.. so tired... After slogging the whole day, my boss verbally say she is considering of not getting someone in as she think we can cope.. OMG.. she need another half more only.. so she is thinking of sharing the half with Flora's dept.. =.=" as Flora's dept is getting 2 people in.. she is also drowned.. I am really thinking "can we cope?" When I join last yr July, there were 4 of them in e dept, including me is 5 .. they were all so bizi that they have no time for me and I have to request for work, now only left 2 of us, I really have no idea how busy will we become and yet not getting anyone in just to "save cost".. really can't imagine how will my life beThe ones who left are senior execs/manager while I am only an asst, now I am doing their job while getting asst pay and yet still wanna cut cost.. faint!!! I really think the co ought to pay more to us.. Even flora's dept also left the 2 of them, she is also an asst only but doing senior exec's duties.. haha.. we are really in e same boat... "tong shi tian ya lun luo ren"..........
Oh...... Pls help!!! T_T
I have been studying for the past 2wks..and I really hate books... Its been quite some time I haven't been touching.. Tomorrow is my ComGI paper.. STRESS!!!.. I have no confident in passing at all.. This paper is sponsored by co, super duper stress. I really don think I can make it.. I know myself too well.. Its not easy.. all about UW which I am not good at it with so may scope of cover/exclusion/extention.. OMG.. 3.55pm is my paper ends at 5.10pm.. Though is MCQ paper but is like taking highway code, cos all answers looks similar and if were to answer wrongly, marks will also be deducted.. Wa lau.. STRESS AH!!!!!!!!!!
My boss still stress me say, tomorrow msg her to tell her if I pass or not.. faint.. This paper is once you click submit, the results will come out immediately... If I fail, OMG, I don know how to face the company... siao liao....... Arghhhhhhh......... JYJY OMG...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Hmm... seen doc @ TTSH on my followup.. well as usual.. talk crap with the doctor.. This time round, improve.. THere is nil leakage of protein in my urine and even my 24hr urine was surprisingly good... I told the doc before that I have infections and bacteria/fungus could add on to protein in urine, however his reply was that even if it adds on, it could not have been large amount leakage.. anyhow it is a good sign and that the doc is reducing the dosage ... BUT.......... I have recently felt pain on my right abdomen, there was once when i just had my lunch, and the pain was so sharp that I couldn't stand/sit/breathe/move.. is just so pain that it lasted almost 5mins.. thereafter it was alright again.. sometimes once a while or when i am on bed, i would feel some discomfort/pain but it was bearable but just don feel good.. I told doc abt it and he suspect that it could be stones in my gall bladder.. zzz =.="...... I was like.. "HUH"?? thinking that i am recovering and yet another prob pops out again.. Once again, Doc suggest me to admit so that he can have a thorough check on me as it seems that I have "TOO MUCH PROB".. anyhow, he say this pain could also due to the side effects of the medicine so I told him to monitor till next month's visit and see if the pain still persist and if it still then I will go for ultra sound..Gall Bladder's function is dissolve fats and if were to remove, I no longer able to take oily food meaning food with no oil.. cos I have a fren who had this was asked to remove but she didn't cos if remove, any oil food she take will vomit out.. I was like OMG... so I hopefully praying that my pain is due to the side effects of my med.. I do not wish to see any more "crappy/funny" illness popping out everywhere in my body.. This feeling just sucs... Why me? so many prob... SIGH.....
Hope that I would be able to write satisfying results in my blog the next visit to my doc... I must JYJY and not to let these things tire me out... JYJY (>.<)!!!