Sunday, January 27, 2008
Tired Sunday
Its been 4days since my last posting.. so tiring.. Thur, I went Chinatown.. Surprisingly, there isn't much like last year.. Not as crowded as I thought it would be. In e end, only bought 2 packets of peanuts home. Thereafter, we went to Upp Thomson, wow! there is a lot of flowers/plants.. so we bought bamboos instead of "ying liu" Anyhow, it was still quite reasonable.. Yesterday, me, my hubby, Kagome & her daughter .. we went to hair salon. Only Kagome & I colour our hair.. Mine is red tone while Kagome's is brown tone.. Not too bad.. at least cover my unglam color.. haha.. thereafter, we went for our salsa dance.. Hmm.. as my feet is pain, did not dance too well and till now it is still painful.. sigh.. Once a while it must come back.. Sianz -.-....... Later on, I'll be posting my little bamboo pics.. haha.. nt too bad and see if I can get some luck.. Yo Ho.... :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Chinese New Yr
Yo.. This is my house.. haha.. Have not bought "Ying Liu" yet.. It will be nicer as to put near the window.. Last wk we went Pasar Malam at Causeway Pt and bought this little mouse at only $1.50 and paste it at my main door .. cute right?! Then last Sat, I saw this red cushion cover, it just look appealing to me therefore, I bought.. This is expensive cos is about $3.90.. "FU" in Chinese means Good Luck.. So I hope it'll bring good luck to me..This week nothing much has happen.. just felt tired.. Yesterday I went to see chinese sinseh to "tui" my feet.. felt pain after Sat's salsa, I guess, I twist wrongly and twisted my feet. The sinseh was good and tough.. Wah.. can really "lau barg sai" but now I can walk wif ease and no pain.. keke.. Just hope everything Shun Shun Li Li and get over the CNY.. Tomorrow 4D ah.. Hope I can strike big big.. HUAT AH!!!

My House

Monday, January 21, 2008
Sometimes, I really no like CNY. Every yr, there is bound to hv arguments. I see alot of my frens hv no such prob except me. As a DIL, I try to fulfil as much as I can, NY Eve shd go to MIL hse for dinner tats for sure. Every yr we did e same & this yr I would like to eat at my grandma pl. Every yr was been asked to stay but becos we hve to comply to MIL hse, tats why we did not. But last nite this topic was brought up again. Every yr I hv to run 2place which is my Grandpa & the other is grandma side. I normally stay 1hr at GP pl which is @ J/West & my GM which is WDL very near to my MIL hse. I suggested to go up MIL hse & leave in e noon thereafter go my GP hse for 1hr then GM hse for dinner and leave at 7.30pm to my MIL hse whereby all e relatives will still be ard, & shd still be eating dinner. Then He not happy & suggetsted if I find it so hard, then I can eat CNY Eve dinner @ my mum hse & Day 1 dinner @ my GM hse whereby he can go alone. I damn super piss off.. Why can't he compromise as in I already try my best to "qian jiu" e timing, y can't he just see e pix. Day 1 all e relatives are ard and if I were to go back on Day 2, who e hell are we going to "bai nian" No one is ard at all.. And to me, early mrng, I go up inlaw hse to "bai nian" is to respect her, In other aspect, I don see I've done anything wrong as in I try my best that I will wanna go up there as soon 7.30pm & this is where all relatives just start to eat onli.. This thing made me slept very late last nite as it reali pissing me off. And when I finally can get to slp, I dream of Val, I did not see her face at all, but she was at my living room going to kitchen wearing white shirt. And i called her, but she didn't respond and when I call her again, i noe she turn over but no head.. At this moment, though in bed I pondering to open my eyes as i sense a lite shining at my eyes but as I try to open I can't. And when I did, I shouted very loud cos is like as if been pressed down.. and tat time was already 3am. Last nite was really a tough nite.. How I wish every CNY is so normal like my other frens whereby they don hv to compromise anything... Sianz -.-

Saturday, January 19, 2008
dancing day
Woot.. reach studio at 2.30pm & saw some student learning bachata.. nice.. jus need to shake ass nia.. songs are nice too. Today was tired.. Learn how to turn is really a "xue wen".. not easy turning..and today we learn something call "suzie Q".. wah biang.. chim ah.. don noe how to twist.. the leg like "pa si kat".. after 5pm, my ah lao go dinner then I drive the car go fetch my mum go IMM, we shop for goodies and shop nothin for clothes.. Super crowded to day too.. Hummmmmm.... sleepy liao.. Good nitez... Sweet Dreams..

Shopping Friday
Last nite, went shopping @ VIVO with my hubby. As I've been under medication, the side effect has made me put on a lot of weight. Therefore, I can only sought help from Tangs. WHy? Because, the size are bigger. If the side effects continue and I continue to put on, I think Tangs will also be out in no time.It was expensive. They are currently having this promo as in if spend more than $238, U'll get 20% off and I actually did but all are black except 1 turquoise colour. So pathetic to buy clothes so exp and yet all black. We shop till all shops closed which is already 10pm.. Wah.. I tell u, so tired and after that we felt hungry and went Yishun to have frog leg porridge. WHile eating, I felt a bump in the inner of my mouth so I knew there must be a blood clot. SO after eating, we went home, the 1st thing I did was to use salt to rub against the bump but who knows, it became worse. It turn to a size of a kidney bean. No joke ok.. it scared the hell out of me. My hubby also got a shock! In the end, he hold a torch light to shine at the bump while I use a tooth pick to poke the bump, and Ooze.. e blood came out and lots of it.. after rinsing, see myself in the mirror again.. there is still somemore in it, so i use another toothpick poke again.. Ooze again.. this time round better.. but inside all "po pi" ler.. by then when everything was done, we slept at 1am. My hubby wake up at 7am this morning to become "brother" for the wedding. Tonite, he will be going for the dinner alone while I drive the car back and find my mummy. At 2.30pm, we are going to the salsa dance whereby Gary will recap the dance step which we missed last week due to my flu. At 4pm, we are starting our 2nd level of salsa.. Yes!! Woot!! Yeah!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Angry Thursday
Sometime I really wonder why do we need to look at how other look at us in order to live.. Is others' impression really tat important.. What I am talking now is actually about my work place.. WHY WHY WHY???? Before office hour I can't even do things I want.. What rule is that.. I am listening to my IPOD (thru earpc) before office hour but I was told not to because "START WORK LE"!!! HUH? 8.40am onli.. 9am is my official working hours.. Wat's the prob? Then today I was told again.. I was asked not to leave on dot 6pm, how would other people think??? We are actually shorthanded but if I were to leave on dot people would think otherwise.. WHy must we think so much.. We are responsible of what we do isn't it.. Then another word came out "Our perfomance review is coming".. What has this got to do with I leave on dot or not.. WHY I CAN'T DO MY OWN THINGS BEFORE & AFTER WORKING HOURS!!!.. Its so sickening.. I am here to work not to sign my life contract.. So today I work till 6.50pm and my boss work till 6.20pm only.. Of cos they don leave on dot all the time but what I mean is why make life so difficult.. Even how I write an email/letter also have to be pinalised. Slightly more well versed in excel also another prob for me.. why becos they say, I confused them.. Wa.. I really have nothing to say anymore.. I got nowhere to vexed my frustration. Really what the hack.. I've been feeling very sad and lousy.. Don't know is it becos I took 2days MC, they super not happy but I am really sick even till now, I still have sexy voice.. the whole office can hear and will know I am sick.. OH, I am really so angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Busy Wed

Hey.. Me also have ah.. Today, Flora went Suntec City and I've ask her to buy for me too.. woot.. Nice right.. Keke..
Today is my first day working after my 2Days MC.. woot.. Work pile up like mountain, email flood my in box with more than 50 incoming mails.. Wa lau, faint ah.. Then I got many Hot balloon in my body now.. but I "REN".. Yes.. 2 more days to go it'll be my weekend again.. Wosh... Salsa.. Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
So sorry, is a bit too big ah.. anyhow this is the room no. I've stayed and the cabin I've sleeped last wk.. keke.. Beautiful sea & deck view sia..woot... Tomorrow got to start working liao.. Sure got tons of work waiting for me & don't noe wat to expect from my dept.. Hopefully, everything is fine.. Still my ear is block & my sassy voice hasn't recover. Laze ard whole day playing PC/Audition, editing my blog.. haha.. Hao Ba JY lor..

My Cruise Cabin 9-11 Jan'08

Monday, January 14, 2008
Slow Monday
TOday, MC @ hm.. wake up 10.30am today.. last nite somewhere on my left, below stomach cramp.. didn't sleep well last nite. drag till 11.30am then go market buy bf cum lunch.. after 2pm, sleep again.. wake up ard 4pm, do cooking .. meat/potato & maize soup.. woot.. nutritious food leh... Then I gt Kagome to help me with this blog link.. guess wat, is her daughter who helps me.. Thank u.. Emily.. Can't help thinking.. wat are these young girls doing.. so clever.. way back out time.. we are so Toot.. haha.. another hours' time, got to drink my last dose of chinese medicine.. then sleep liao.. This med sucks.. every nite after drinking, I felt super discomfort till mrng.. Anyhow, I felt better today... cough lesser, mucus dry by half.. Eeeeeeeeeeee.... Er Xin.. keke..

Sunday, January 13, 2008
Boring Sick Sunday
Today wake up ard 10.30pm.. still feeling lousy.. went to Bt Batok .. urging to eat fry bee hoon.. then sold out.. went to another block to find.. oso sold out.. Super angry and hungry.. then in e end go to the kopitaim near my mum hse bought yong tau foo. eat.. After lunch.. Super lethargic.. so on e aircon and laze ard until froze msn me... but after tat went out for tea break at Pastamania for soup.. After that go hm again. Around 5.30pm.. my hubby drove me out to clinic to see doc to get MC.. but who noes DOC ask.. is it alright to give me 2days MC... WOOT>> actually yes.. cos I already took leave on Wed-Fri, Sat/Sun no working.. Mon/Tue MC.. faint ah.. Co think i "eat snake".. but no choice.. i really super duper sick.. cough like hell, sneeze like wat.. block ears, sassy man's voice.. kekek... After this, gt to drink chinese med & SLP................ zZZZ... tats my SUnday... sigh!!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Sick Saturday
Bootie:- Today, I am suppose to go for our Salsa's last lesson but am juz too sick to go.. Called Gary last nite to tell him that I was unable to make it as I have cough since Monday. Initially, It was still not too bad but Wed, I went for the Malacca/KL cruise. On board, I felt worse.. Maybe the ventilation isn't juz too gd.. I sneeze alot up there and cough till those people staring at me like as if I am an alien.. haa.. On board, my mum, sis, hubby and I went into casino.. wow.. many jackpots.. but... didn't win any.. Tel u .. the food on board is fully paid.. even if u play in the casino.. a cup of cuppucino that cost $4.50 is also Free.. keke.. Really eat till siao..Mon, got to start working but I still feel very lethargic, don't know whether I can make it to work or shall I take an MC.. sigh.. After Fri, I've nothing to look forward.. New Yr is coming.. got to slog hard to earn money to give "ang pow".... faint/sucks..