Saturday, February 9, 2008
Yesterday, went to vivo wif my mum & my ah lao to go watch Ah Long Pte Ltd.. Funni show.. Out of 10 maybe ard 5.5 or 6 onli.. Mark Lee realli "gao xiao".. His Msian accent reali "buay tahan".. haha.. to me this show is like "ying she" Msia last PM who retired.. haha.. anyhow, this is my perception.. this show is good for all ages.. But today I went to watch Kung Fu slam dunk.. This show I would give abt 7.5 to 8 out of 10.. Cos, this is also a bit "kua zhang" but overall.. nice show.. a little touching too.. I booked this ticket on 05.02.08 afternoon using SCB card then i went to vivo axs machine to collect my tix.. Q for half hr then when is my turn, they can't find my details.. Wah lau.. reali piss off leh.. the GV keep annoucing they are unable to issue tickets for internet booking and must go candy counter wif our credit card. In e end after queing for axs half hr, i get no tix, i quickly went to the candy counter. They printed out a slip and stated therein was, the sys could not find any records of my credit card, nevertheless I still got it.. by the time it was already 1.35 and my show was 1.30pm.. =.=".. After the show was already abt 3+pm, we went to HK Kim Gary Restaurant.. Look below for my delicious noodle... Mmmm....... yummy.... :) I did not finish cos not really hungry.. Nice??? ^.^v.. There was this lion dance right in front of e VivoMart.. Woot.. big crowd.. Saw my colleagues Jennifer & her family there too. Her son was really tall & big.. Sec 4 already.. wow.. "Hao Ming" ler.. Reach home ard 5+.. then went to have a little nap at 7pm.. 4D no strike.. no mood.. both us sleep like pig.. wake up at 8pm and went to CWP to have our dinner.. Hmm.. that's our CNY 3rd day.. sigh.. -.-