Friday, February 8, 2008
Haha.. I finally find e time to put up the pix.. This is my "zhuan yun zhu".. suppose to bring and turn your luck good.. Nice right? CNY Eve, we went to our MIL hse for reunion dinner.. Before dinner, we had this "Yu Sheng", this is a must every year. This time, "Yu sheng" was bought at Sakae Sushi by our 3rd uncle.. FIsh was fresh.. keke.. but I didn't eat.. "Too raw" hahah.. There below, is our steamboat.. Fantastic right.. All well prepared by my MIL. Hahha.. IT has got steam & bbq.. choose yr own leh.. Food was fresh.. There was "Zhu Jiang" roast duck bought by our 2nd uncle and many other food also bought by him.. we start our dinner ard 7.30pm and end at 9.45pm.. WOot.. super long sia.. See our BBQ food.. mostly are hot dogs & crab stick.. See tat chopstick? haha.. is 3rd Uncles' youngest son.. Clever boy wor.. We heard that his studies was with flying colours.. Good, JYJY... After the dinner, we wait till 12am for praying and left around 12.45am. After that we fly home and sleep at 1am plus.
CNY1, we woke up at 9.45am.. Many things to rush.. we reheat the food & rice to eat.. Cos, tradinationally, it was told that we have to boil rice on CNY eve and leave it till CNY 1 to eat then we will have surplus to left every year.. haha.. we follow.. after our bf, we change our clothes & chiong to my MIL hse to greet her and left at 12.50pm to my GP hse at Jurong PT.. We reach there ard 2pm. As usual, we mingle around & talk awhile.. play some cards. Left at 3pm to my GM hse. wah.. still e same.. Its been quite some time since I see my grandma ever since I was sick.. at least half a year... ANyway, we play blackjack.. As usual.. all my cousins will come.. I did not win any.. and in e end I was being kick out cos they so hapi slowly "squeeze" me out.. Hahaha.. anyway also becos I did not win, therefore, I quietly left.. Wah.. reach my MIL hse at 7.15pm, no one was around cos they had went to another uncle hse.. We had our dinner in MIL hse at 9.30pm.. -.-".... Then as usual, our 2nd uncle which is our banker of every year "Kai Tai" (open table) to play blackjack.. this include my 3rd uncles' 2 son & 1 gf, my FIL, plus me & my ah lao.. Cos, e fengshui say this yr "Goat" is good.. so we put 2nd uncle up and in e end he lost a lot.. We either get blackjack or "Gor Leng" haha.. he nearly faint ah.. our 2nd uncle say he wanna "fa" his "meh meh gong".. keke... It didn't seems to work.. hahah.. THereafter my FIL took over.. He is the rat .. hahah.. also not much effect but I didn't win much from him.. After a thorough check, my winning was......... hahah.. $52... and my ah lao won $34.. WoOt.. Good.. Zai Jie Zai Li.. HUAT AH!!!