Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Rainy Wed
Today is a rainy day. My darling call me to say that he will be back tomorrow afternoon.. I was like YES!.. Finally he is coming back. On the other hand, I am also weary that he will be asked to go China on Fri, but he say the chances of going next wk is higher.. SO>.. which means he be able to spend his wk end wif me.. Finally.. Without him around, seems to be so unstable.. haha.. though he is not a macho man but anyhow, is a man I can depend on. Hmm.. looking forward to his return.. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!Tomorrow, I be going for my ultra sound at 830am.. Somehow a little worry too.. hope everything is fine.. It isn't any of the gall bladder prob but just some cramps.. God Bless Me!!