Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Hmm... seen doc @ TTSH on my followup.. well as usual.. talk crap with the doctor.. This time round, improve.. THere is nil leakage of protein in my urine and even my 24hr urine was surprisingly good... I told the doc before that I have infections and bacteria/fungus could add on to protein in urine, however his reply was that even if it adds on, it could not have been large amount leakage.. anyhow it is a good sign and that the doc is reducing the dosage ... BUT.......... I have recently felt pain on my right abdomen, there was once when i just had my lunch, and the pain was so sharp that I couldn't stand/sit/breathe/move.. is just so pain that it lasted almost 5mins.. thereafter it was alright again.. sometimes once a while or when i am on bed, i would feel some discomfort/pain but it was bearable but just don feel good.. I told doc abt it and he suspect that it could be stones in my gall bladder.. zzz =.="...... I was like.. "HUH"?? thinking that i am recovering and yet another prob pops out again.. Once again, Doc suggest me to admit so that he can have a thorough check on me as it seems that I have "TOO MUCH PROB".. anyhow, he say this pain could also due to the side effects of the medicine so I told him to monitor till next month's visit and see if the pain still persist and if it still then I will go for ultra sound..Gall Bladder's function is dissolve fats and if were to remove, I no longer able to take oily food meaning food with no oil.. cos I have a fren who had this was asked to remove but she didn't cos if remove, any oil food she take will vomit out.. I was like OMG... so I hopefully praying that my pain is due to the side effects of my med.. I do not wish to see any more "crappy/funny" illness popping out everywhere in my body.. This feeling just sucs... Why me? so many prob... SIGH.....
Hope that I would be able to write satisfying results in my blog the next visit to my doc... I must JYJY and not to let these things tire me out... JYJY (>.<)!!!