Sunday, March 23, 2008
Good Friday - Desaru..
Fri Morning, 21.03.08 is a Good Friday, we woke up at 4.30am and leave house at 5am.. Went to Admiralty MRT to buy Mcdonald B/F to share.. 5.45am, we meet our relatives and start moving off to Causeway Custome.. It was a jamm.. we manage to clear all customs at 7am.. zzz.. We drove along the way to find a place to eat.. but there isn't as it is still too early.. anyhow, we finally found a place to eat but the breakfast was not very nice, it only help to ease our hunger..
Thereafter we continue our journey to this
Crocodile Farm which was near the place we had our food.. Per person was RM8.. In the farm, there are more than a thousands of crocos in it.. the weather was hot, umbrella was provided too.. 2 farm keeper was in it, they show us croco eggs and told us that an average life span of a croco is 300 years old.. we were "wah".. so long life than a human being.. Look below, croco eggs, and baby croco.. The farm was really big,the weather is terrible.. so hot till all of us are so tired.. that we decided to move on for our lunch and we pass by their fishing village "harbour"??
Crocodile Farm which was near the place we had our food.. Per person was RM8.. In the farm, there are more than a thousands of crocos in it.. the weather was hot, umbrella was provided too.. 2 farm keeper was in it, they show us croco eggs and told us that an average life span of a croco is 300 years old.. we were "wah".. so long life than a human being.. Look below, croco eggs, and baby croco.. The farm was really big,the weather is terrible.. so hot till all of us are so tired.. that we decided to move on for our lunch and we pass by their fishing village "harbour"??
In this trip, we are travelling most of the time.. and we even went to the fruit farm but we did not went into the planation cos the weather really freaks us out.. so there is no pics of fruit farm.. Overall this trip was not as fantastic as we look forward to be.. in fact everyone was dead tired and sleepy.. plus the traffic jamm.. it was a little disappointment.. But the pic below are nice.. take a look and enjoy my pics..

Eggs and babies of crocodiles

Our lunch at this coffee shop near the ferry terminal.. is also the place where we can take ferry back to Changi Ferry Terminal.. haha.. Looks nice isn't it.. there is more in the dinner.. This lunch was not cheap. For 2 tables of the same dishes costs RM190++.. Exp right.. but it was a better meal than b/f..

This is the desaru public beach.. it faces the South China Sea.. the sands are fine, look at the beach, you will be able to imagine how hot the suns are.. but is also the coolest place of all among the places we visited in Msia.. the beaches are really nice..

Guess, what is this.. Hahah.. Ostrich eggs.. u can't image how big and hard it is.. If you were to step on both eggs, the eggs will not crack.. they need to be "electric saw" in order to open.. haha.. exaggerate right?... It can stand the weight of a 100kg.. The egg can be purchase too.. it cost RM50.. it can bake up to 25 of 200g cakes.. Can' imagine that..

Once the egg is hatched, you will see exactly like below, we must crack the egg in order to "rescue" them out of the shell.. they can't crawl or crack by itself.. if not the ostrich will die.. they need 28 days to hatch too..

This is how it looks like after the shell.. they must be place in an incubator to protect them at least 3days so that they will not die of cold.. Its so cute and innocent..

This is a 1-3 weeks old ostricth.. very cute too..

This ostrich comes from Australia.. and listen to Malay language.. haha.. u ask them lie down,
they lie down.. so "ting hua"..

I must introduce this one.. Her name is LULU.. greedy bird too.. she allow chicken on her back.. and if u ask her to point out your button on your shirt, she can do it with her mouth.. wOot.. cool sia.. and if you place some maize on yr hand, she will jolly enjoy the food not only on your hand and even the basket on the other hand, with her long neck.. haha.. she can wrap you too in order to get food... hee..

This is another cute chicken don know from which ctry.. haha.. the keeper took it out from the cage and ask it to sleep and place it upwards on the sand.. and this chick really did it.. without command, it will not move.. so cute.. really "buay tahan".. so we took this pic.. haha.. funny and cute right?

This was our last destination.. "Restoran Peking".. one of the popular chinese restaurant in Msia.. we had Pig's trotters, veg tofu, cereal prawn, asparagus & steam fish/crab.. it was the most fantastic and enjoyable meal for the whole day.. Looks delicious isn't it... Hmmm yum yum..